пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Terry sticks neck out for Marie's gift ; Giraffe to be given name at regatta [Edition 2]

A SURPRISED grandmother thought her family was "having a giraffe"when she opened her front door to find a life-size replica on thestep on Christmas morning.

Marie Swan, 72, has now given the fibreglass creature, mostcommonly seen on the plains of Africa, now has pride of place in hergarden, towering over its 5'3" owner.

An avid collector of all things weird and wonderful, Mrs Swan hadspotted the giraffes almost 20 years ago but had not mentioned themsince.

She said: "I had seen them at the Happy Eater service stationsabout 15 to 20 years ago and said I would love one in my garden topeer over the hedge.

"I hadn't thought about it for ages and on Christmas morning mygrandson, Harley, said there was someone at the door.

Shocked "I opened it and the giraffe was standing there.

"I was so shocked, I just burst into tears.

"I'd always wanted one, I just couldn't believe it."

The giraffe, a present from Mrs Swan's husband, Terry, was boughton the internet and made its long journey to Heybridge from thenorth in a lorry.

Kept a secret for a full month, the giraffe was housed in her sonClint's barn, which is only yards away from Mrs Swan's home.

She said: "I can't believe I didn't see them delivering it.

"I can see the barn from my house, so how I missed the giraffebeing put there I'll never know."

Mrs Swan is planning on naming the giraffe at this year'sHeybridge Regatta, by holding a guess the name competition.

"I think it's a boy so he will be nameless until about July whenwe hold the annual regatta," she said.

"Guessing his name will be a fun way to raise money for charity."

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