понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

What Would Tax Trade Achieve? // It Would Just Drain Cash From Suburbs

Regarding state Comptroller Dawn Clark Netsch and her plan toraise the state income tax, as a swap with schools for lower localproperty taxes, why would any suburban property owner support such aridiculous plan?

The suburbs get back only 40 cents of the dollar that is sent toSpringfield, and in such a wacky plan as hers a suburbanite wouldhave to be crazy to want to send any kind of additional taxes toSpringfield. You can bet the biggest share of any extra money wouldgo down the bankrupt Chicago public school "rathole."

Recently the tax bill on our home saw its overall rate over lastyear actually go down by .325 (about 3 1/2 percent), yet because of achange in the "state multiplier," the actual bill went up 20 percentin just one year.

What we really need is a complete overhaul of the tax system,property tax caps with real teeth in them, and educated voters tothrow mega-rich "social tinkerers" such as Netsch out of office. Betty Cipri, Palatine

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